One of the main pillars when we started to design the new facilities was that they had to be as sustainable as possible.

One of the main pillars when we started to design the new facilities was that they had to be as sustainable as possible.
We have natural light in a large part of the installations, automatic sensors in all common areas to combat energy waste, all lamps are low consumption and all electricity consumed is from renewable sources. We will soon install solar panels with a production capacity of at least 50% of our electrical consumption.
The machine park is very recent and also with low consumption, we are working to recycle all the garbage produced, currently we have already managed to recycle approximately 50%.
In 2023, we obtained ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications.
Constant investment in the acquisition of new machines and technologies in all areas of our company.

Lately, this concept has become a principle according to which the use of natural resources to satisfy present needs cannot compromise the satisfaction of the needs of future generations. This new principle was extended to the expression “long term sustainability”, an indefinite term “long term”.
Sustainability can also be defined as the ability of human beings to interact with the world, preserving the environment so as not to compromise the natural resources of future generations. The concept of sustainability is complex, as it takes into account a set of interdependent variables, but we can say that it must have the ability to integrate social, energy, economic and environmental issues.
• Social issue: it is necessary to respect the human being, so that he can respect nature. And from a human point of view, he himself is the most important part of the environment.
•Energy issue: without energy the economy does not develop And if the economy does not develop, the living conditions of the populations deteriorate.
• Environmental issue: with the degraded environment, human beings shorten their life span; the economy does not develop; the future becomes unsustainable.

Installation of Solar Panels
We install solar panels with the capacity to produce at least 50% of our electricity consumption.
Our main advantage is the reduction of the electricity bill, it is also worth mentioning the fact that we generate clean and renewable electricity, which allows us to reduce the ecological footprint.

Installation of Industrial Batteries
At YouShoes, we understand that it is as important to generate clean energy as not to waste it, for this reason we have installed batteries in the offices to accumulate excess energy produced by photovoltaic panels, during 2023 we will install industrial batteries to power production equipment, in this way we contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and consequent ecological footprint..
- Offices already installed
- Industrial for production (During 2023)

Energy Consumption
We have adopted 100% Green energy consumption as a mission, to achieve this goal, as mentioned earlier, we install photovoltaic panels and accumulate production surpluses, the remaining energy we need for the company’s operation, we are constantly concerned with ensuring that the energy comes from “100% Green”.
- Energy consumed 100% Green
- Natural Light in the premises
- Automatic sensors to combat waste
- Low consumption lamps
- Priority on efficient and low-consumption equipment

Expansion of Facilities
We have already started expanding our current facilities, always focusing on their sustainability, we are continuing to invest in infrastructure.

YouShoes is committed to the constant and continuous improvement of its procedures for an efficient use of its structural and human resources, in which environmental causes become one of the main focuses of the company.
We obtained ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications
“People who don’t support the environment will soon live in a world that doesn’t support people.”
“Bryce Nelson”
• ISO 9001
Supporting an organization’s goals and objectives, ISO 9001 documents processes, procedures and responsibilities involved in meeting quality policies and objectives. Based on seven quality management principles, the ISO 9001 standard defines how an organization works to meet the requirements of its customers and stakeholders:
- Customer focus
- Leadership
- Involvement of people
- Process approach
- Improvement
- Evidence-based decision-making
- Relationship management
- Operate more efficiently
- Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
- Reach new markets
- Identify and resolve risks
• ISO 14001
ISO 14001 certification provides requirements for an Environmental Management System that is effective in following up and monitoring the activities of a business, with a special focus on preventing pollution, ensuring compliance with all legislation and other socio-economic needs.
It is, therefore, an international standard that demonstrates the commitment assumed by a given company with the protection of the environment – and notoriously with the reduction and containment of eventual damages – through the management of the environmental risks associated with the activity of the certified organization.
Thanks to the definition of a series of environmental management processes, allowing, among others, a reduction in the use of resources and a lower volume of discharges and/or waste to be treated. ISO 14001 does not just generate an improvement in the organization’s image; its commitment to the environment transforms the company’s values.